Roy W. Tibbs: Founder of the Howard University Glee Club

0 Posted by - November 17, 2021 - Black History, BLACK MEN, BLACK MUSIC, History, LATEST POSTS

Roy W. Tibbs was the founder of the Howard University Glee Club. Tibbs was the husband of renowned opera singer, Madame Lillian Evanti (1897-1967).

Tibbs was born in Hamilton, Ohio in 1888. He was a graduate of Fisk University where he received both a bachelor and masters degree from Oberlin Conservatory.

Tibbs traveled to Paris, France in 1914 to further his studies under the supervision of Isadore Philipp, a French pianist, and composer.  While at Howard University, Tibbs trained a multitude of African American music teachers during his tenure and toured as a pianist, while serving as director of the men’s glee club. Roy W. Tibbs died on April 1, 1944, in Washington, DC.





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