Black To The Future: Why Candace Hill Is Not Just Your Typical Teenager, But A Track Running Phenomenon

0 Posted by - February 26, 2025 - BLACK CHILDREN, Black To The Future, BLACK WOMEN, LATEST POSTS, SPORTS

by Jae Jones

Candace Hill is not just your typical teenage girl. You won’t find her sitting around concerned about high school events, or who is going out with who, or even snapping tons of selfies, and posting them to her social media account. No, you will find Hill trying to figure out and deal with the national media pressure.

Hill is a 16-year old track runner phenomenon. When she gets going, she burns the track up running a sub 11 second 100 meter dash; this puts her among professional women sprinters. However, you must not forget that Hill is only 16-years old. Yet, she is pushing numbers like that. It is truly amazing for a person her age.

Hill ran a 10.98 second 100 meter dash; a score which is the fastest by any high school girl, ever! Even if Hill has finished seventh at the 2013 Olympic Games in London, and tied for silver in 2008 Beijing Games four years prior. However, Hill is taking the world by storm with her outstanding and fastest accomplishments.

Candace Hill, sat down with CNN not long ago, she expressed her excitement by saying “It feels great! It just feels like nobody can catch me. I’m just in that zone and it’s a great feeling.”

Hill began running track while she was still in 7th grade, and it sure didn’t take long for her to find her stride. She knew when she broke state records during her freshman year that she had a future in the sport. She told CNN, “I can make it really far if I just work hard and stay humble.” She was pushing for the U.S Olympic team in 2020, but her coach thinks she might be ready by 2016, as for how Hill feels about the dates, she said “maybe that’s too early, but you never know. I might show up and you know, win. But, it’s hard to think about it right now, because I’m only a sophomore.”

There is no doubt that Candace Hill will be seen in 2016 breaking world records. She has the motivation and determination that will definitely get her there.

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