Thomas W. Patrick, Sr: Pioneering Pharmacist, Founded the Patrick School of Pharmacy

0 Posted by - September 9, 2021 - Black History, BLACK MEN, Blacks In Medicine, History

Dr. Thomas W. Patrick, Sr., was a pharmacist who founded the Patrick School of Pharmacy in Boston in 1893.

Dr. Patrick was born in 1872 in Haiti. He obtained a B.A. degree from Harvard. He also studied at the University of Berlin, Germany, where he received his M.D. Patrick, rotated internship at Harlem Hospital and pediatric residency. He spent one year in general practice.

He arrived in Boston around 1892, where he taught pharmacy and later opened Patrick’s School of Pharmacy. Dr. Patrick published several articles on infancy and children for magazines, newspapers, and scientific journals. In 1906, Dr. Patrick published, Patrick’s Course in Pharmacy, and later wrote the book, Essentials of Prescription Compounding, which had long been a standard text in the pharmacy field.

Dr. Patrick operated his school until 1937. He was a member of the Bay State Medical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Association. Dr. Thomas Patrick died in 1953.



Defying the odds: Dr. Thomas William Patrick and his successful school of pharmacy

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