Broadcaster Max Robinson blazed trails for journalists everywhere by becoming the first African-American newscaster to anchor for a major network. Robinson was also the first Black news anchor to work in Washington, D.C. The Richmond, Va. native achieved these feats all while being a vocal proponent of fighting racial injustice in America.
Born May 1, 1939, Robinson got his start in broadcasting in a most controversial fashion. In 1959, after applying for “Whites-only” jobs, Robinson impressed a Portsmouth station manager so much that he was hired to read news on-air. However, a slide hid Robinson’s race from viewers. One night, as shared by journalist Clarence Page, Robinson removed the slide and revealed to viewers he was Black. Robinson lost the job the following day.
The incident motivated Robinson, who hoped to provide an example of excellence that dispelled outdated views of race. Arriving in Washington in the ’60s, Robinson covered local and breaking news for the local NBC affiliate, WRC-TV, then made history in Washington as an anchor for WTOP in 1969. His coverage of race riots that broke out in the city and other reports earned him a pair of local Emmy Awards.
In July 1978, Robinson’s work ethic eventually landed him the ABC News news anchor position. The three-man “World News Tonight” team consisted of Frank Reynolds in Washington, Peter Jenningsin London, and Robinson manning the national desk in Chicago. Despite his success and accolades, Robinson fought personal demons and feelings of inadequacy in his private life. Colleagues heard whispers of alcoholism and other issues, and the death of his father deeply troubled him as well.
Still, those private matters never held Robinson back from attracting attention for his work. He relished being a role model for Black youth, and often railed against his employers about the way Blacks were portrayed in the media.
The trio was a hit with viewers, but Robinson’s personal issues worsened. That and his increasing disillusionment with how racism was reported in the media caused him to eventually leave ABC. From there, he made another historic run by becoming the first Black anchor for local Chicago station, WMAQ.
Unfortunately, Robinson’s troubles continued in Chicago to the point he believed his colleagues were setting him up. He left WMAQ in 1985.
Robinson was diagnosed with AIDS but initially kept his condition a secret. He succumbed to the disease in December 1988 at age 49.
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Hey, how’s it going?
I want to pass along some very important news that everyone needs to hear!
In December of 2017, Donald Trump made history by recognizing Jerusalem as the captial of Israel. Why is this big news? Because by this the Jewish people of Israel are now able to press forward in bringing about the Third Temple prophesied in the Bible.
Jewish Rabbis have publicly announced that their Messiah will be revealed in the coming years who will be a leader and spiritual guide to all nations, gathering all religions under the worship of one God. They deny Jesus as their Messiah, and the Bible tells us this Jewish Messiah will be the counterfiet that will bring about a false peace, and ultimatley the great tribulation.
They even printed a coin to raise money for the Temple with Donald Trumps face on the front and with king Cyrus'(who built the second Temple) behind him. On the back of the coin is an image of the third Temple.
More importantly, the power that runs the world wants to put a RFID microchip in our body making us total slaves to them. This chip matches perfectly with the Mark of the Beast in the Bible, more specifically in Revelation 13:16-18:
“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”
Referring to the last days, this could only be speaking of a cashless society, which we have yet to see, but are heading towards. Otherwise, we could still buy or sell without the mark amongst others if physical money was still currency. This Mark couldn’t be spiritual because the word references two different physical locations. If it was spiritual it would just say in the forehead. RFID microchip implant technology will be the future of a one world cashless society containing digital currency. It will be implanted in the right-hand or the forehead, and we cannot buy or sell without it! We must grow strong in Jesus. AT ALL COSTS, DO NOT TAKE IT!
“Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name” (Revelation 14:9-11).
People have been saying the end is coming for many years, but we needed two key things. One, the Third Temple, and two, the technology for a cashless society to fulfill the prophecy of the Mark of the Beast.
Visit http://WWW.BIBLEFREEDOM.COM to see proof for these things and much more!
If you haven’t already, it is time to seek God with all your heart. Jesus loves you more than you could imagine. He wants to have a relationship with you and redeem you from your sins. Turn to Him and repent while there is still hope! God bless!