Flash Black Photo: Woman With Girl On Lap

0 Posted by - February 27, 2022 - AMAZING IMAGES, Photo Gallery

At Black Then, we frequently see interesting photos that give us a glimpse into the past. They tend to show us a piece of black history that is often not covered in textbooks, in history classes, or shown in the media.

In a photo that we found on Black History Album , we see this great image called “African American woman and girl” , which shows a woman with a young girl on her lap.

Credit: Harvey C. Jackson Collection, Detroit Public Library

Found On Flickr.com in Black History Album


  • Richard H Ingram September 1, 2017 - 11:30 am

    I truly appreciate all the wonderful memories and genuine struggles of my peoples, Especially how we endured under tremendous odds and maintained our dignity and strength we Our a phenomenal race of human beings.

  • Bárbara. Aureli September 1, 2017 - 3:04 pm

    The strength and resiliance of your people never ceases to amase me. I have learned so much from this website and others. It’s a disgrace that the education in this country is so lacking

  • Milan Ali September 1, 2017 - 4:00 pm

    I too LOVE heritage photos. History for sure. My eyes kept separating the woman and girl photo. Mainly because their faces are in different proportions and seem to have different clarity/focus. Perhaps it was enhanced and combined or maybe I am not seeing it clearly. Still, I love the subjects/photo.

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