Editor: Victor Trammell
Photo credits: Kemet Nu Productions
Hotep (Medu Neter for Peace)!
Ankh, Udja, Seneb (Medu Neter for Life, Prosperity, Health)!
View photos of artifacts and the Egyptian Museum’s entrance below:

May this blog post find you in the best of spirits!
I have safely made my Trip to Kemet (Egypt) for the purpose of researching Africana Studies, world history, and Black Liberation. Yes, family, I am in Afrika doing field and educational research about Kemet, (Egypt)-the world’s oldest and greatest documented civilization.
The 2021 Kemet Nu Educational Tour is sponsored by Professors Ashra and Merira Kwesi -the legendary teachers of Egyptology (the scientific study on Egyptian history, culture, and spirituality) and history.
Day 1: Orientation Day / Preparation for field study on the Pyramids of Giza, Kemet (Egypt). All of Kweisi’s Arab Professors/guides bore witness on day one that Kemet is the root of the world’s civilizations and religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Al-Islam).
Here is a picture of me visiting this massively historic site below:

More information on Ashra Kwesi’s annual trip to Kemet can be found on his website at this link: https://www.kemetnu.com/egypt_tour.htm
In Ma’at,
Shem Hotep (Medu Neter for “I go in peace”)!
Bashir Muhammad Akinyele
-History and Africana Studies Teacher in Newark, NJ
-The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations (ASCAC) Study Group Coordinator for Newark, NJ
-New Jersey State Representative for ASCAC (https://ascac.org/)
Editorial Note: Medu Neter is the original Afrikan language for Kemetic people (Egyptian people). After Europeans and Arabs invaded Kemet (Egypt), they began to change the name of the Medu Neter to Hieroglyphics.
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