Though she wanted to start a flying school for African Americans when she returned to the U.S., Coleman specialized in stunt flying and parachuting, and earned a living barnstorming and performing aerial tricks. In 1922, hers was the first public flight by an African- American woman in America.
article found @http://www.biography.com/people/bessie-coleman-36928#breaking-barriers
Love Black History and Never Get Tired of Reading and Learning! I Go Back, with this story, a Long Way!
Bless her heart my she rest in peace, forever in my heart sista girl did it.
I too, love black history however, let’s remember that it and what we recognize as US History not only go hand in hand but function as one: American History. Blacks in American History sounds closer the truth than black history.
Thank you for highlighting this pioneer. Bessie received her international pilots license June 15, 1921.
Thank you for the information.
She’s an inspiration to us all. Peace and blessings always Supreme Farrell in New York City and Las Vegas
Bessie was the first FEMALE period to earn a pilot’s license! Ms. Coleman earned her license even before Amelia.
This is an Epic story…a true story that needs to be told…would love to see it…
That is wonderful information our young generation today knows very little about great pioneers of the pass because , future teachers, instructor refuse to teach young black kids history of how blacks contributed a great deal to American history
Smart, daring, very cute, hats off too this female pioneer
Amazing story. Poof that with drive and desire , goals can be reached and obstacles can be overcome. Imagine the sacrifice , imagine the odds. The book and movie would go through the roof…This is what we need to see and hear…
Many educators want to teach Black History but their hands are tied by administrators and school boards.
I have the book
They should make a movie about her . they did of Amelia.
So nice to hear ALL of America’s history! Should have heard this decades ago! Perhaps All of our istory truly told would have helped to keep racial tension out of our history. Just goes to show you that there are many stories that remain untold that could have had monumental changes on our national heritage!
This is AWESOME! Thank you! For sharing and posting! Please watch on YouTube ” Uncovered in the Archives The Colored Citizen” Episode by “EMPIRE PBS KVCR Producer Brad Pomerance on My Great Great Grandfather Former Slave “Israel Beal’ who was an Important Man who helped with the Development of a Major City of Redlands CA.