Poem: “Everything Is Free” by George Elliott Clarke

0 Posted by - June 18, 2024 - History, LATEST POSTS, Poems

George Elliott Clarke, OC ONS is a Canadian poet and playwright and is currently serving as the Canadian Parliamentary Poet Laureate. Born to William and Geraldine Clarke in Windsor, Nova Scotia, Clarke has spent much of his career writing about the black communities of Nova Scotia. Clarke worked as a parliamentary assistant to Howard McCurdy, MP in Ottawa. He also taught for a time in the African-American Studies department at Duke University.

Everything Is Free

By George Elliott Clarke
Wipe away tears,
Set free your fears:
Everything is free.
Only the lonely
Need much money:
Everything is free.
Don’t try to bind
The love you find:
Everyone is free.
Your lover’s yours —
Surrender force:
Everyone is free.
The sun melts down,
Spreads gold around:
Everything is free.
The rain is spent
Lending flowers scent:
Everything is free.
The love you live,
The life you give:
Everything is free.

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