RIP Eric Garner: Today Marks The One Year Anniversary Of His Death

0 Posted by - February 11, 2025 - LATEST POSTS

NEW YORK (WABC) — Friday marks the one year anniversary of Eric Garner’s death in police custody after an apparent chokehold.

Garner’s family reached a nearly $6 million settlement with New York City over the death that bitterly divided the city, and became the first of several controversial civilian deaths at the hands of police.

Garner’s 1-year-old daughter and her mother released a white dove in his memory Friday morning where he died in Tompkinsville, Staten Island.Also this weekend there will be a memorial mass and a rally.Sunday morning, on “Up Close” at 11 a.m. Bill Ritter will talk with Garner’s mother and his daughter, and Rev. Al Sharpton.

It’s an emotional conversation about how, one year later, progress is being made in police community relations.Garner’s death led to demonstrations in New York and across the country, and an intense focus on police departments and public safety.On Friday night, Garner’s widow Esaw will host a memorial mass at Canaan Baptist Church of Christ on West 116th Street in Harlem.On Saturday, there will be a rally led by Rev. Al Sharpton to demand justice and reformation of the justice system at noon in front of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Downtown Brooklyn. The family wants the U.S. Attorney to pursue a federal civil rights case.

Read More: One year anniversary of Eric Garner\’s death in police custody Friday |

1 Comment

  • Cyrus Conner-Bey February 9, 2016 - 6:33 pm

    RIP Brother. We are dealing with the same tyranny here in Columbus, MS.