Ask A Slave is a satirical web series based on the actress’ time working as a living history character at the popular historic site, George Washington’s Mount Vernon. Starring Azie Dungey as Lizzie Mae and directed by Jordan Black.
All questions and interactions are based on true events.
Real Questions. Real Comedy.
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via Youtube Channel by “Ask A Slave”
Millenials….welcome to the downfall of everything….Here's your first place ribbon for your macaroni art even though it was a science fair but we cant tell you that you cant do anything on your own…fucking idiots
slavery was better than wal mart you got room and board for your work
I really shouldn't have read the comments, but great skit.
How did you become a slave reenactor? Why did you quit? 😉
Why the fuck would you do something this dumb on YouTube? Are you a slave? No. It just makes you look dumb. But I know this is a lesson on history and I get that but why ask somebody who isn't a slave dumb questions
I'm not sure if that last guy was breaking the Fourth Wall or if he genuinely had no idea what slavery was.
Peter Mencken is Lewbert from iCarly
these videos are really great!
at first i was like oh god, my white guilt, this is so bad. but shes really witty and funny 🙂 still sad this was a thing though.
Yes, i'm a nitpicker…. but its PittsburgH (with an H) other than that, i'm LOVING this! Lizze Mae for president!
These are awesome! So glad I found this channel.
I just found this series. And , since I work as a docent and guide , I can testify that, yes, there are folks out there that ask such questions…. I once worked as a raft guide on a white water river trip. Had a lady once comment that she thought the Park Rangers had done a great job arranging the rocks on this river for our trip. She was serious and neither I nor the others in the raft attempted any rebuttal.
bill smith don't say "nigger" even if you are being funny in your own way cause you sound like a fuck head
the first few people are not the sharpist knifes
Why isn't that lazy nigger cleaning?
1795 times since Moses? If it was 1795, it would've been a whole lot more times than that. I think she means 1795 times since Christ, which is when A.D. (Year of Our Lord) time starts. Moses lived over a thousand years before Christ.
Ok, I have many more videos to watch, but I really love these videos. ROFL about the question about Abraham Lincoln made me crack up. And DAMN! How could he say "Slavery isn't that bad"? So many uneducated people.
You've got my subscription!! Lmao wish I thought of this!!