Created By A Black Man, This Simple Invention Changed The Food Industry Forever

0 Posted by - July 27, 2022 - LATEST POSTS

butter churn

Albert Richardson was one of those rare inventors who not only created numerous devices, but created devices that were completely unrelated to one another.

Until 1891 anyone wanting to make butter would have to do so by hand in a bowl. On February 17, 1891 Richardson patented the butter churn. The device consisted of a large wooden cylinder container with a plunger-like handle which moved up and down. In doing so, the movement caused oily parts of cream or milk to become separated from the more watery parts. This allowed for an easy way to make butter and forever changed the food industry.

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1 Comment

  • hHenry June 20, 2017 - 10:43 am

    Wow, the butter churn was only invented in the 1800s, I can hardly believe that – and I’m someone who works with innovators.