Henry W. Spradley: Civil War Veteran of Company G, 24th United States Colored Troops

0 Posted by - August 16, 2021 - Black History, BLACK MEN, CIVIL WAR

Henry W. Spradley served his country proudly. When President Abraham Lincoln called for volunteers on April 14, 1861, Spradley wasted no time signing up.

Spradley was born into slavery in Winchester, Virginia around 1829. His family fled North while he was still a young boy. Spradley enlisted in the 24th United States Colored Troops at the height of the Civil War.

Before enlisting in the service, Spradley worked as a stone mason and when the war ended, he returned to Carlisle where he found work as a janitor for Dickinson College.

Spradley made an enormous impact on people who knew him. The day of his funeral Dickinson College canceled classes and half the attendees where professors or students.



The Sentinel

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