Editor: Victor Trammell
Photo credits: ASCAC
Hotep (Medu Neter for Peace),
Ankh, Udja, Seneb (Medu Neter for Life, Prosperity, Heath)!
The following message will cover my seventh day of the 2021 Kemet Nu Educational Tour. This tour was sponsored by professors Ashra and Merira Kwesi -the legendary teachers of Egyptology (the scientific study on Egyptian history, culture, and spirituality) and history.
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Our Kemetic studies concluded on Day 7 with visits to the Valley of the Kings in the mountains of Upper Kemet. Kemet is Medu Neter for “land of the Blacks.” The Valley of the Kings’ burial grounds is for Kemetic royalty. There is also a Valley of the Queens. Just take look at the images. Our Kemetic ancestors are Black. The spiritual funeral text of the Medu Neter is written in full color! Even the supreme one God, AmeRa is Black, and all the Neteru (Medu Neter for principles) representing AmenRa, are Black! By the way, this paint of the Medu Neter has lasted for thousands of years!
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More information on Ashra Kwesi’s annual trip to Kemet can be found on his website at this link: https://www.kemetnu.com/egypt_tour.htm
In Ma’at,
Bashir Muhammad Akinyele
Shem Hotep (Medu Neter for “I go in peace”)!
Bashir Muhammad Akinyele is a History and Afrikana Studies teacher at Weequahic High School in Newark, NJ. He is also the co-coordinator for the Association for Study of Classical African Civilizations (ASCAC) Study Group Chapter in Newark, NJ, and ASCAC’s New Jersey State Representative(https://ascac.org/)
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