August 2: Olympic Legend Gabby Douglass Won Gold Medal Today in 2012

0 Posted by - August 2, 2021 - On This Date

By Hannan Muzeyen

Photo credits: Robert Deutch/USA TODAY Sports

On August 2, 2012, a young black American female athlete overcame athletic odds on the world stage at the global Olympics competition in London, England.

A Brave Young Lady Takes the Lead

Gabby Douglas (pictured) was just 16-years old when she made history as an Olympian in the event’s gymnastics competition as a renowned member of Team USA. Douglas wowed spectators all over the globe when she won first place in the all-around gymnast competition, which was after the Olympic individual event category.

This made Douglas the powerful anchor who took the lead over the rest of the girls who made up her devoted Team USA squad. As Douglas and the roughly 20 other members of her team trotted off to compete, she had the look of a fearless war general – charging bravely at the front of the line while marching her soldiers into battle.

The Major Challenges of Being an Olympic Gymnast

Being an Olympic gymnast is very hard for the young ladies who tirelessly compete.

It is mentally straining, physically straining, and the risk of getting a serious or life-threatening injury is very high. Nevertheless, Douglas preserved on that early August day almost a decade ago. She was fierce, rhythmic, and let the music take control during intermissions after she catapulted herself to greatness athletically and figuratively – each and every time she took a death-defying thrust into the air.

Douglas won not one but two gold medals that day, which put her in the historical categories of the young black Olympic women before her (such as the late great Dianne Durham) and the shining star who came after her (Simone Biles).

Gabby Extraordinary News Interviews After Victory

“You just have to not be afraid and go out there and just dominate. You have to go out there and be a beast. Because if you don’t, you’re not going to be on the top,” Douglas confidently told the Washington Post in an interview after her victories.

In another interview with NBC, she said:

“If you push through the hard days, then you can get through anything,”

Her victories after winning two gold medals were so incredible, Douglas was personally congratulated in a real conversation with former President Barack Obama!

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