Saturday Night Sixteen Club: Affluent Professional Black Women Enjoying the Finer Things

-1 Posted by - November 7, 2024 - BLACK WOMEN, LATEST POSTS

The Saturday Night Sixteen Club was formed in 1948 by a group of professional women, mostly teachers. The group was women who were affluent enough to enjoy the finer things in life.

Most of the women had husbands who were doctors and businessmen and could afford finer things for their wives including fur coats, automobiles, and champagne when other families could not. After World War II, many women found themselves dressed up with nowhere to go.

However, although they could afford all these things they were still black, living in Kansas a state that was very much segregated during the time. Just like every other African-American during that time, they were barred from patronizing many restaurants and nightspots in the city. So, the women came up with the idea to create their exclusive society in the Saturday Night Sixteen Club. The is still one of the oldest organizations in the city and celebrated its 70th anniversary in April 2016.

At the first party, the women had was on a Saturday in September 1946, and the women served pork and beans and wieners. Each member paid $15 a year. When the Sixteeners got together, they always tried to rent extravagant locations where they could socialize and enjoy the finer things when allowed. Only one member the club survives today 102-year-old, Mila L. Banks.



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