What If African Americans Said The Things Caucasians Say?

2 Posted by - January 1, 2022 - BLACK STEREOTYPES, LATEST POSTS, Video Gallery

Although there are many negative stereotypes about African Americans, most people are surprised to learn that the stereotypes are wrong.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1zLzWtULig


  • Terry Turner August 6, 2018 - 10:27 am

    We can’t I tried and get deleted and reported. Most can’t especially me, from sites like Facebook and quora. Those people expect me to abide by the European standards and the Victorian Era.

  • Jodie August 6, 2018 - 2:46 pm

    I tried as well. FB shut down my site and hence kept my personal photos and the like – I refuse to support bigot organizations. But I will do what the lady did in Calli: when they think they can tell us to go back I’ll remind them this is my homeland – you go back to Europe.

  • Terry Turner August 7, 2018 - 6:24 am

    And the sad thing about it we were brought here. I would go back if they paid me.
    I refuse to be around those bigoted people. They used us now they prefer us to leave.
    I sure would like to develop a site where we can express ourselves.
    The truth hurts those jokers.
    Like my mother used to say ” the bottom rail shall rise to the top”.
    “And every dog shall have their day.”

    We can’t be stopped, we won’t be stopped.

    Thanks for sharing, God bless us.