Guest Submissions Autoresponder

Thank you for your interest in submitting a guest post to Black Then.  We are always looking for ways to share unique or interesting perspective about Black History

Before submitting your post for consideration, please note the following guidelines:

Submission of your guest post does not guarantee publication. Your submission will be reviewed and if it will benefit the readers of our community, it is likely to be published.
This is not a place for commercials or advertising.
Posts must be quality, ORIGINAL content (i.e. not published anywhere else online). Additionally, please do not submit posts that are currently being submitted to other sites.
If your post is selected, you agree not to publish it anywhere else online, including your own site, as this is considered duplicate content by search engines and would penalize both sites. We will promote your post through social media channels. We encourage you to do the same. You may also want to consider posting a small blurb on your own site to direct traffic to your guest post.
Post may be submitted in the body of your email or as a word file.
Relevant images may be attached to the email but should be less than 1MB. Ideally, they should be 600 pixels or less wide. Please do not send massive files. Photo submissions must be your own or creative content images. Images from other online sources will not be accepted. We don’t want any copyright issues!
Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation is important to us. Please make a concerted effort to edit your submissions. Submissions will be proofread and any obvious spelling or grammatical errors will be corrected prior to publishing.
Any links within your post should be relevant to the content of your post, and will be verified as working links.
Please cite sources appropriately
Please include a short bio (50 words or less) at the end of your post along with a link to your site. Please feel free to also submit a head shot.
Guest posts are uncompensated.
If you would like to submit your guest post for review, please  complete form below or email it to [email protected] with “Guest Post Submission” in the subject line.

Post Submission Checklist (please include in each submitted post):

Your full name
Your email address
Your URL and blog name
Your post title
The body of your post
Attach any images – Please include “Image #1” or other descriptor where you would like the image in the post. If you do not include that, we will make our best guess as to where the image should be. Remember: send images that are 600px or less in width, or at the very least under 1MB in size.
A short bio
A head shot
We will do our best to make sure that every post that is submitted is used on Black Then. We may hold them for a time to work them into the editorial calendar, but please be patient and wait for them. When they are scheduled, we will send out an e-mail to let you know. If for some reason we can not use your post, we will let you know so that you are free to submit it elsewhere.

Some post topic suggestions (but not limited to):

Little Known Black History Facts
Listory Post
Civil Rights
African American Biographies
African American Ancestry

Being a guest blogger on Black Then is a great way for a blogger to publish a post that they may not ordinarily have a place for on their own blog. Are you a Mommy blogger who wants to do a Malcolm X? A technology writer that wants to write about a day Diana Ross and Motown? A foodie writer that wants to write about slavery?

Share it on Black Then!

[email protected]