Editor: Victor Trammell
Photo credits: ASCAC
Hotep (Medu Neter for Peace)!
Ankh, Udja, Seneb (Medu Neter for Life, Prosperity, Heath)!
Greetings to my Black American family for Afrikan liberation!
This blog post documents my third day in attendance at the 2021 Kemet Nu Educational Tour; sponsored by professors Ashra and Merira Kwesi -the legendary teachers of Egyptology (the scientific study on Egyptian history, culture, and spirituality) and history.
View two pictures taken on Day 3 of the tour below:

Today our field studies and lectures concluded with the MER Khuti (Afrikan Medu Neter for the name for the Pyramids) inside the modern Egyptianian cities of Sakkara and Dahshur. Neb Ma’at Sneferu’s Bent and Red MER Khuti are located in Dahshur. Imhotep was a Kemetic chancellor to Djoser, a ruler of Kemet whose reign occurred 2,700 centuries before the common era. Imhotep was the builder of the Great Step MER (Afrkan Kemetic word for Pyramid).
He was also the world’s first multi-genius engineer. The great Step MER is huge in real-time. Brother Imhotep’s Step MER is located in the modern Egyptian city of Sakkara. It was dedicated to Pharaoh Djoser Neterkhet, the former Kemetic ruler who Imhotep served as a chancellor.
For the first time in 100 years, the Egyptian government has opened the Great Step MER to Professor Kweisi’s Kemet Nu’s Knowledge of Self-Educational Tours. Imhotep’s Afrikan name means “he who comes in peace.” Inside the MER of Teti in Sakkara, Egypt, some of the oldest Medu Neter documents ever written by human beings are stored securely. Medu Neter was the original Afrikan language for ancient Kemet’s people (Egyptians).
It is STILL taught and spoken today tens of thousands of years later! After the Europeans and Arabs invaded Kemet (Egypt), they changed the name of the Medu Neter language to “hieroglyphics.” Inside the MER of Teti, the Medu Neter texts focus on the Kemetic faith traditions of resurrection and the afterlife. Ancient texts written in Medu Neter are the Afrikan sources of spirituality, which influenced all the major Western religions (i.e., Judaism, Christianity, and Al-Islam).
The original Medu Neter spiritual texts birthed all of the world’s faith and belief systems, which mention the afterlife. This belief in resurrection and an afterlife was established many thousands of years ago–far before Judaism, Christianity, and Al-Islam ever existed in the world. However, Judaism, Christianity, and Al-Islam copied this from our Afrikan ancestors’ spiritual faith tradition, which came from the Kemetic nation FIRST.
View three more photos below:

Finally, the evening lectures of Day 3 concluded with many facts on the Kemetic people and their Afrikanity (Blackness). The Afrikan origins of Europe’s Masonic order, Fraternities, and Sororities were also discussed.
More information on Ashra Kwesi’s annual trip to Kemet can be found on his website at this link: https://www.kemetnu.com/egypt_tour.htm
In Ma’at,
Shem Hotep! (Medu Neter for “I go in peace”)
Bashir Muhammad Akinyele is a History and Afrikana Studies teacher at Weequahic High School in Newark, NJ. He is also the co-coordinator for the Association for Study of Classical African Civilizations (ASCAC) Study Group Chapter in Newark, NJ, and ASCAC’s New Jersey State Representative(https://ascac.org/)
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