Schooled by Youtube: Heads of Hate #2: John Adams

1 Posted by - May 15, 2024 - Video

In a video posted on The Black History School, we learn more about In 1801, two abolitionists sent President John Adams an anti-slavery pamphlet in the hopes that he would end slavery. Adams responded with, “My opinion against it has always been known.” He also said that he never owned a slave; he just employed freed slaves.

So what was President Adams position on slavery? He believed abolitionism should happen gradually and with caution. He also did not want to get too involved.

“Wish you success in your benevolent endeavors to relieve the distress of our fellow creatures.” President John Adams.

Are you ready to see how he helped his “fellow creatures”?



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  • tina slaughter July 15, 2017 - 1:20 am

    I read that John Adam's wife Abigail did not like when masters would be involved sexually with their female slaves. But I wonder what she did not like about it? Was it that she did not like to see a white man being with a black woman? Just a thought.

  • Nicoll Antiago July 15, 2017 - 1:20 am

    moves a little to fast for an old girl.

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  • Sylvia marie November 23, 2018 - 5:16 pm

    Regarding Abigail Adams attitude towards sexual relations between masters and female slaves:
    Perhaps she felt the females were not given a choice in the matter; and many were children.