Slavery By Another Name: Systematic Approaches To Re- Enslave Blacks Following The Emancipation Proclamation

1 Posted by - January 10, 2025 - LATEST POSTS

Slavery by Another Name

Did Slavery really end with the Civil War? The documentary Slavery by Another Name explores how in the years following the Emancipation Proclamation, systematic approaches were taken to re-enslave newly freed Blacks in the United States. This system included new brutal methods of forced labor in which men were arrested and forced to work without pay, bought and sold, and coerced to do the bidding of masters. Spanning the 60 years following the Civil War, this 90-minute documentary includes interviews with key Black history scholars like Khalil Muhammad, Mary Ellen Curtin, Risa Goluboff and Adam Green, in addition to moving reactions from descendants of both victims and perpetrators of the forced labor system. Giving voice to the thousands of victims from this period, Slavery by Another Name will challenge assumptions that slavery ended 150 years ago.

Source: 10 “Must Watch” Black History Documentaries | PBS

1 Comment

  • Marko davis October 11, 2017 - 10:52 pm

    These negros still need a job now they don’t support black business and they kids work for the big white corporations and wonder why they discrimination ate against them support black companies and you want have to worry about it look at Vick sold out for a job gonna tell another black man to cut his hair he had corn hair I trusted him anyway any time you hug rich racist whiteman you ain’t shit anyway they threw his ass u Der the bus too