Leander Jerry Shaw Jr: First Black to Serve as Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court (1990)

1 Posted by - May 9, 2022 - Black History, BLACK MEN, BLACK POLITICS

Leander Jerry Shaw Jr. is recognized as being the first black to serve as Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court in 1990. He was Chief Justice from 1990 to 1992.
Shaw was born in Salem, Virginia, he went to Lylburn Downing School in Lexington, Virginia. He graduated from West Virginia State University in 1952.

He was admitted to the Florida bar in 1960 and practiced law in Jacksonville, Florida. Shaw served on the Florida State Attorney staff in 1969. In 1972, Shaw was appointed to the Florida Industrial Relations Commission. From 1979 to 1983, Shaw served on the Florida District Courts of Appeal.

Shaw also holds honorary doctor of laws degrees from West Virginia State College (1986), Nova University (1991), and Washington and Lee University (1991). In 1990 he was awarded an honorary doctor of public affairs degree from Florida International University. Shaw died on December 14, 2015, in Tallahassee, Florida at the age of 85.




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