Schooled by Youtube: Heads of Hate #42: William Clinton

0 Posted by - February 3, 2021 - Video

In a video posted on The Black History School, we learn more about During Clinton’s presidency, the unemployment rate was low, women and minorities were being appointed to the highest positions for the first time, and the economy was stable. Despite the sex scandal, people would argue that Clinton had a progressive presidency. What people don’t realize is that Clinton quadrupled the number of Blacks in prison. Furthermore, these people were not included in unemployment rates.



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  • mensa517 July 5, 2017 - 1:19 am

    And now his wife will finish the job he started on us, bring us to "HEEL"

  • C Whiting July 5, 2017 - 1:19 am

    NOw vote for his wife so she can keep it goin