Black Abolitionists: Emigrationist Sarah Parker Remond

0 Posted by - December 18, 2024 - BLACK ABOLITIONIST, Black History, BLACK WOMEN, CIVIL WAR, LATEST POSTS

By Lestey Gist, The Gist of Freedom

Emigrationist, Sarah Parker Remond had first come to public notice three years before when she was ejected from a Boston theater because she refused to sit in a segregated gallery. She was handled roughly by a policeman, and successfully sued the theater’s owners for $500 in damages.

Born on 1824, Sarah Parker Remond lectured for the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1856, at the age of 30.

Sarah, the ninth child of free-born wealthy abolitionists, carried her family’s legacy well beyond the shores of her native land. On January 1859, Mrs. Parker Remond delivered her first lecture in Liverpool, England, gradually incorporating Ireland and Scotland into her itinerary. Her father was a life member of Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society and her older brother, Charles Lenox Remond was the American Anti-Slavery Society’s first black lecturer and the nation’s leading black abolitionist until Frederick Douglass appeared on the scene in 1842.

With financial security rooted primarily in her family’s businesses, the Remond clan actively supported antislavery and equal rights for all. After honing her skills lecturing against slavery in the Northeast and Canada, Sarah expanded her reach across the ocean.

In 1859, with the approach of the Civil War Remond urged Europeans to lend their support to the North and the “poor enslaved Blacks of the South.” During her lecture tour abroad she also decided against returning to the United States. By 1868 Sarah Parker Remond had settled in Italy and completed medical training. Although subsequent records of her life remain scarce, one of the last sightings comes from none other than Frederick Douglass. While visiting Italy in 1886, Douglass encountered Remond and two of her sisters. All three Remond women had chosen exile over life in the United States. On December 13, 1894, Sarah Parker Remond died of undisclosed causes. She is buried in the Protestant Cemetery in Rome.

“Known as “Moses,” after the biblical hero who delivered the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt, Harriet Tubman.”

Source: Facebook

1 Comment

  • Belva King April 17, 2018 - 10:19 am

    Thank you for good information about our people. God bless